Monday, 7 January 2013


They originated in the Old Kingdom of the Egyptians before being imported into Greek mythology.
The actual building of the Sphinx was around the 4th dynasty (2723 BC) so it is possible that tales came from around that time or possibly earlier. An exact date cannot be given. 
They traditionally have the body of a lion and the head of a female (sometimes a male). They are also sometimes depicted as having the head of a ram or a falcon. The appearance can differ within countries but this is the general appearance that everyone is accustomed too.
In most cultures, especially that of Greek mythology, they are personified as female. Some are depicted as male though, especially in Egypt.
Abu al-Hol (Arabic – "Father of Terror"), Sphiggein (Greek – "To draw tight")
They are not known as such for having specific magical powers, they are more known as protectors. They are very strong so they may be more of a threat that way. They are known for giving out riddles so that in essence can be their magical power so to speak.
She was said to have been born in the country of the Arimi and is the daughter of Orthus and Chimaera. Some say that her parents could have also been either Typhon and Echidna or Typhon and Chimaera. Some also say that she is the natural daughter of Laius, connecting her to the fate of the house of Laius and her respected stay at Thebes. She is sometimes seen as the symbol of ruler ship. This is why she is the guardian of pyramids, tombs and sacred highways. They are a symbol of abundance, wisdom, mysteries, riddles, truth, unity and secrets.
She is thought to be living somewhere in the Ethiopian mountains.
In early Greek mythology, she was said to be the symbol of the "terrible mother", portrayed as an unhappy monster of death, bringing bad luck, perversion of the intellect, power and womanhood. In some Greek tales, such as "The Sphinx in the Oedipus Legend, 1981", the Sphinx would ask an exact riddle. The riddle was "What is it that has one voice, and is four footed and two footed and three footed?". She sat upon Mount Phikion and if the Thebans got it wrong she would eat them. Oedipus answered with man, and with that she perished.
You can see many statues of the Sphinx in Egypt and in some parts of Greece. Whether someone has actually seen a physical representation of the beast is unknown. Most people believe that they have encountered the monster in dreams of a past life (these are usually done under hypnosis) but whether they are to be believed or not is down to the person listening.
Griffin, Harpy, Phoenix, Hybrid, Pixiu


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