Sunday 1 September 2013


They are of Celtic mythology.
It is impossible to pinpoint the exact time that the legend had come about, It is quite possible that it was a story fabricated by the Celts and it eventually passed down through word off mouth or in writings and stories. As it is of Celtic origin, it would make the story at least 2800 years old.
In most stories their hide is black, although, in some, it is white. Their mane is always dripping wet also. Their skin is said to be smooth but deathly cold to the touch, almost like a seals. Some also say that they are as green as glass with a black mane. The tail also curves over its back like a wheel. Their eyes are also bright red and in some descriptions, they have backward hooves. They can also transform themselves into a beautiful young woman, this however, is so that they can lure men into their traps. In their human form, they may also have water weeds in their hair (this is one way of identifying them as a Kelpie), They are also known to take human lovers.
They are both male and female, but more commonly male. In their human form, they are always a female.
Their name may derive from the Scottish Gaelic for Cailpeach or Colpach, meaning "heifer, colt".
There is a way of taming them, all you need to do is possess their bridle. Although this is highly dangerous, it is also very useful. There is also another tale that states that if you end up stuck on their back, mutter the name of Christ and the horse will throw you off.
They have the power to shape shift. It is said that the power for them to do this is contained in their bridle.
They are a supernatural water horse, who is both strong and powerful, even having the strength of 10 normal horses. From the distance, they may appear as a lost and lonely pony, their motives however, are malicious. They love to lure humans, especially children, do their death by taking them to the water, drowning them then eating them. They would do this by encouraging them to ride on their backs. Once the victim has mounted them, the Kelpies skin turns into something like glue, keeping their victim stuck to them so that they can drag them to the water. They will eat everything except from the heart and the liver. It is also said that they can transform their surroundings into impressive illusions so that they can keep themselves hidden. If they are under water then hey will keep their eyes above only so as to scout the surface. It is also said that they warn people against impending storms by wailing and howling.
You are more likely to find them near the rivers, streams and lochs of mainly Scotland and sometimes Ireland.
There is a common Scottish tale about 9 children who were lured onto a Kelpies back whilst a 10th child kept their distance. The Kelpie gave chase but the child escaped. There is another version of the tale that states that the 10th child stroked the Kelpies nose and became stuck to it. He took a knife from his pocket and cut off his own hand, cauterizing the wound with wood from a nearby fire. He managed to escape but could not save his friends who were pulled under water. There is another tale that states that the MacGregor clan were in possession of a Kelpie bridle. They got it after one of them saved himself from one near Loch Slochd. This was passed down throughout the generations.
There have been no recent sightings of the creature for a while, not any believable ones anyhow. There are untold fake images on the net and, giving some of them their due, they look pretty good. There have been accounts from people, however, they make the creature sound more like a reptile type monster. It is possible that they may have evolved into this and this is what people are now seeing.
Each Uisge, Nix, Cabbyl-Ushtey, Glashtin.